Shri L.K. Advani sent his greetings to H.H. Mahabrahmrishi Shri Kumar Swami Ji
In a heartfelt message dated December 9, 2011, Shri L.K. Advani, Chairman of the BJP Parliamentary Party, extended his warm greetings and good wishes to His Holiness Mahabrahmrishi Shri Kumar Swami Ji. He expressed his joy upon learning about the prestigious ‘Ambassador for Peace’ Award conferred upon Swamiji by the British Parliament on November 15, 2011. Shri Advani acknowledged Swamiji’s devotion to world peace, his commitment to upholding moral values, and his profound respect for all religions of the world, qualities that led to this significant recognition. He also noted the special resolution passed by the Senate of the United States on May 2, 2011, honoring His Holiness and declaring April 29 as ‘Brahmrishi Kumar Swami Day’ in New York. Shri Advani requested his greetings and good wishes to be conveyed to His Holiness Swami Ji, celebrating the distinguished honor bestowed upon him by these esteemed institutions.