WHP- World Humanity Parliament
About Us

WHP- World Humanity Parliament

The World Humanity Parliament is an international organization committed to advancing the well-being of humanity. Our core objectives encompass elevating human existence, alleviating suffering, fostering global harmony, emphasizing the pivotal role of ancient cultures in shaping the modern world, and harnessing the profound wisdom of ancient Indian science as a potent tool to address the pressing issues confronting humanity today.
H.H. Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami JI
Founder's Vision

H.H. Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami JI

President of World Humanity Parliament

Founder and President of Bhagwan Shree Lakshmi Narayan Dham (BSLND)

Vice President of Bharat Sadhu Samaj

An internationally acclaimed spiritual leader from India, His Holiness Mahabrahmrishi Shree Kumar Swami Ji and his organization BSLND have blossomed into a ray of hope for millions across the world, providing astute remedies to humankind’s struggle to overcome its various medical, psychological and socio-economic ailments. Born on January 22, 1954 to a peasant family in Srikaranpur, Rajasthan as Kundan Lal, he had a deep thirst to understand the meaning of life. He was a gifted healer and went deep into the study of ancient texts. During his stint as a physician, he went on to become one of the greatest Ayurvedic physicians of his time before eventually giving up his illustrious career in quest for spiritual growth, embarking on a spiritual journey with hopes for finding a solution for redeeming mankind from all its struggles. After years of struggle and exploration, he attained the desired experiential knowledge encoded in ancient scriptures and established the spiritual organization BSLND in 2002 to accelerate the process of sharing this potent knowledge to uplift humanity from all its existing struggles. Till date, more than 500 million people encompassing all faiths and religions all across the world have embraced this knowledge and benefitted from it.

Individual peace is the key to global harmony, we strive to address children, men, women and all beings. With a belief in holistic living we strive to create educational institutions, health institutions, prayer centers which run on the core principles of sanatan dharm.

In line with the teachings of His Holiness Mahabrahmrishi Kumar Swami Ji, we actively engage in organizing symposiums, workshops, and facilitating debates. We undertake all necessary efforts to protect and promote the teachings across the global community…. learn more

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